Interviewer: So, Lin, tell our readers a bit about where
you’re from.
Lin: I’m from a small Bunun village in Taiwan.
Interviewer: Who are the Bunun?
Lin: We are one of the tribes of the aboriginal people of
Interviewer: You mean like American Indians?
Lin: Sort of. Genetically we are more closely related to the
Polynesians rather than the American Indians.
Interviewer: Okaaayyy…So, Lin how did you wind up here in
Lin: I came here to keep my ex-husband from hurting myself
or my family members.
Interviewer: That’s
awful, I take it he’s violent?
Lin: Yes, violent and rich. This has made it very difficult
for me to get free of him.
Interviewer: Do you think he’s going to follow you here?
Lin: I am sure of it.
Interviewer: How are you going to stay safe?
Lin: I don’t know exactly. I am hoping that my new friend
Kyle Little Eagle and his grandfather might be able to help me with that.
Interviewer: Kyle Little Eagle? That sounds Native American.
Lin: It is. With luck his and his grandfather’s medicine
will be strong enough to help me keep my ex-husband Bai away. I am hoping for
Interviewer: So….are you and Kyle a couple?
Lin: What do you mean?
Interviewer: You know, are you dating him, seeing him
Lin: Kyle is my friend…but I hope that he can become more .
Interviewer: So how do you think Kyle and his grandfather
can help you? If your ex-husband is rich and powerful couldn’t he easily get
you away from them?
Lin: I suppose if they were ordinary men this might be true,
but Kyle and his grandfather are special, they have special gifts.
Interviewer: What do you mean?
Lin: They are close to the Spirits.
Interview: You mean like ghosts?
Lin: No. The Spirits are close to the Creator, what you
would probably call God. Those with a close working relationship with them can
help to effect change where others cannot.
Interview: Like angels?
Lin: I suppose you could make that comparison, but they are
not angels, but something else. It is difficult to explain if you were not
raised around our beliefs.
Interviewer: So you see the beliefs that Kyle and his
grandfather have as being similar to yours?
Lin: Yes, they are similar. Not the same exactly but the
core beliefs are similar. We understand each other very well.
Interviewer: Interesting. So, how long are you going to be in America?
Lin: I do not know. It will depend on Kyle and if I can get
my ex-husband to leave me and my family alone.
Interviewer: Well, we wish you the best Lin, thanks for
talking to us.
Lin: Thank you for having me.
Read Lin and Kyle’s story in No Place to Run by Regina Paul.