I recently completed a book that I've been working on for the better part of two years. It's different from some of my other books in that it is an M/M/M/M polyamory romance. And there is a bit of gender bending as well, but in a good way I think. At this time I'm looking for beta readers. You don't have to have been a beta reader before to be one of mine, but I do suggest that you read the article What Makes a Good Beta Reader by Belinda Pollard. This will give you a good idea of what is expected of you as a beta reader. If you would like to participate and read a copy of The Last Jumper and give me some beta reader feedback you can e-mail me at regina@reginapaul.com
Here's the tentative blurb:
From the moment his family was murdered, Rain has been on a mission to kill or send back to hell as many demons as he can. To do so he has had to "jump" from one body to another, allowing him to live the equivalent of several lifetimes, and to follow humanity and the demons out into space.When Rain awakens, it is not in the place he fell asleep. It isn't even on the same planet, and there are no more Jumpers. He discovers that while he was sleeping the demons have been very busy.
Connor, Stephen, and Jessie are husbands and fathers. On a world where some men are able to procreate, quad relationships are the norm, and Jumpers are just a part of their ancient history, Rain is something of an anomaly. But maybe a welcome one. The three men take Rain home with them, and help him to recover, at least physically. It becomes clear though that Rain hasn't just been fighting demons outside himself, but ones from within as well.
Will these three men and their sons be able to help Rain heal? Love isn't part of the bargain for Rain or so he thinks, but bonding with Connor, Stephen, and Jesse may be the only thing that can save his new family and their world.